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MICE Le Voyage

The following proposal outlines the workflow, technology, timeline, portfolio, team and budget for the website design, development and maintenance of MICE Le Voyage Website

Workflow for MICE Le Voyage Website Development

We’re excited to bring your vision for a dynamic and bespoke travel website to life! Here’s a breakdown of how we’ll work together to achieve this:

  • Getting Started: We'll kick off with a meeting to understand your goals for the website and overall business needs in detail.
  • CRM Power-Up: We'll discuss your ideal way to manage clients and recommend CRMs like HubSpot or Salesforce that fit your budget and growth potential.
  • Content Roadmap: Outlining what kind of content describes your packages best (text, images, even videos!), and if you already have it or if we need to help you create it.
  • Outlining the Basics: We'll create simple sketches of key pages (homepage, how to build a trip, etc.) to make sure we're on the same page about how the site works.
  • Setting the Vibe: We'll share mood boards with colors, fonts, and image styles for your feedback, ensuring the site reflects your luxury travel brand.
  • Visual Approval: We'll present detailed mockups of some pages to get your sign-off on the overall look.
  • WordPress Foundation: We'll set up WordPress and find the perfect theme to match the approved designs.
  • Building the Essentials: Pages like "About Us" and "Contact" will be built, plus the site's navigation.
  • Your Travel Packages Shine: We'll create a custom system to showcase your packages in an organized way, with great search and filter options for customers.
  • Trip Builder Fun: A user-friendly way for visitors to mix and match packages, activities, etc., with the ability to share these drafts with your team.
  • CRM Connection: Forms on your site will link directly to your CRM, helping you capture leads and send automatic follow-up emails.
  • Chat and Communication: We'll set up your preferred live chat or other ways for potential clients to get in touch easily.
  • Finalizing the Words & Images: Working together on text, and sourcing amazing photos or videos. We can help with writing and finding visuals if needed!
  • Making it Official: We'll input all your packages, destinations, and other info into your WordPress system.
  • CRM Setup: Setting up your CRM dashboard for your sales team, and creating communication templates.
  • Putting It Through Its Paces: We'll test everything on different devices (computers, phones, etc.) to fix any bugs.
  • SEO Boost: We'll optimize your site for search engines to help you get found.
  • Your Feedback: We'll present the site for your review and work on any changes you request.
  • Training Time: We'll show you how to update website content yourself and use your CRM dashboard.
  • Final Checks: We'll review everything one last time for a smooth launch.
  • Go Live! It's time to make your website official!
  • Post-Launch Care: We'll monitor and track your site, plus provide support for any small adjustments needed
  • Your input matters!: We'll check in often for feedback to ensure the site exceeds your expectations.
  • Timelines are flexible: We'll give you a realistic estimate, but allow some flexibility for changes and revisions.
  • Maintenance Plan: We'll recommend ways to keep your site updated, secure, and backed up.

Reasons We Recommend WordPress for Your Website

This is why WordPress is an excellent choice for MICE Le Voyage website:

WordPress is renowned for its adaptability. From simple blogs to complex e-commerce sites, it can handle the features you need now and as your business grows. We can customize the look and functionality of your site to precisely match your bespoke travel brand.

If you want to add a new package or update your "About" page, WordPress offers a straightforward interface that's easy to learn, even for those without extensive tech experience.

As the world's most popular web platform, WordPress has a huge community of developers and users. This means abundant resources, plugins, and support options are readily available.

WordPress is built with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. With additional plugins and optimization, we can significantly improve your website's chances of ranking well in search results.

WordPress itself is free and open-source. While premium themes, plugins, and custom development add cost, it's a highly cost-effective platform for building a professional website.

WordPress sites can handle increased traffic as your travel business expands its reach and client base.

WordPress is continually updated, and with proper maintenance, it can provide a secure platform for your client data and transactions.


Our detailed breakdown for the time involved in developing your website is shown as follows:

  • Project Kick-off: 1-2 days
  • CRM Selection: 3-5 days (includes client research and decision time)
  • Content Strategy: 3-5 days
  • Wireframing: 3-5 days
  • Mood Board & Style Guide: 3-5 days
  • Design Mockups & Approval: 5-7 days (includes time for client feedback)
  • WordPress Setup & Theme Selection: 2-3 days
  • Core Pages & Functionality: 5-7 days
  • Travel Package System: 1-2 weeks
  • Itinerary Builder: 1-2 weeks (complexity could increase this timeframe)
  • CRM Integration: 5-7 Days
  • Live Chat & Communication Tools: 2-3 days
  • Content Development: Timeline depends on existing content vs. creation needs, 1-2 weeks realistic
  • Data Input: 3-5 days
  • Backend Setup: 2-3 days
  • Thorough Testing: 3-5 days
  • SEO Basics: 2-3 days
  • Client Review & Feedback: 5-7 days (allowing for client availability)
  • Client Training: 1-2 days
  • Pre-launch Checks: 2-3 days
  • Launch: 1 day
  • Monitoring & Analytics: Ongoing
  • Post-launch Support: Typically a 2-week support window is included

Total Estimated Project Timeline: 10-16 weeks

CRM System

We have worked on multiple project management tools for agencies, schools, tutors and ecommerce stores (vendor and customer). You can find the details here below:


We believe our CRM could you help MICE Le Voyage with the following:

  • Detailed Client Profiles: Capture crucial information (travel preferences, past trip details, special requests) in each client's profile. This helps MICE Le Voyage provide highly personalized recommendations, exceeding expectations and fostering loyalty.
  • Activity Tracking: Every email, call, and quote is logged within contact records. This gives the sales team the context to provide exceptional follow-ups and tailor their communication, creating a sense of individualized attention.
  • Efficient Deal Management: The sales pipeline provides visual organization, helping the team prioritize inquiries, track progress, and avoid missed opportunities. No more relying on scattered emails or spreadsheets.
  • Fast Quotes and Invoices: Generate and send professional, branded quotes in minutes. Convert accepted quotes directly into invoices with integrated payment options for a frictionless client experience. This speeds up the booking process and gets MICE Le Voyage paid faster.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Reports on sales activity and revenue provide a clear understanding of what's working and where there's room for improvement. This empowers data-driven decision-making about package offerings or marketing efforts.
  • Centralized Client Information: All client data is accessible from one place, making handovers between team members seamless and minimizing information loss.
  • Task Management: Attach tasks to deals or contacts, set reminders, and assign tasks to specific team members. This ensures accountability and prevents important follow-ups from falling through the cracks.
  • Workflow Automation: Automate repetitive tasks (e.g., welcome email series, follow-up reminders), freeing up sales reps' time for higher-value interactions.
  • WordPress Foundation: Our CRM's integration with WordPress provides a familiar user interface for the MICE Le Voyage team, increasing adoption and minimizing training time.
  • Customizable for Travel: Adapt contact fields, quote templates, and sales pipelines to the specifics of the luxury travel industry. This ensures the CRM aligns perfectly with their unique sales processes.
  • Room to Grow: Our CRM's affordable pricing and extensions allow it to scale along with the business. As they expand, they can add more users, implement advanced automation, or integrate with additional tools.

Overall the CRM aims to empower MICE Le Voyage to streamline their sales efforts, build strong client relationships based on personalized service, and gain valuable insights into their business performance – all within a cost-effective and user-friendly platform.

Pricing Structure

Our detailed pricing structure for your website is given as follows:

  • Detailed Client Profiles: Capture crucial information (travel preferences, past trip details, special requests) in each client's profile. This helps MICE Le Voyage provide highly personalized recommendations, exceeding expectations and fostering loyalty.
  • Activity Tracking: Every email, call, and quote is logged within contact records. This gives the sales team the context to provide exceptional follow-ups and tailor their communication, creating a sense of individualized attention.
  • Efficient Deal Management: The sales pipeline provides visual organization, helping the team prioritize inquiries, track progress, and avoid missed opportunities. No more relying on scattered emails or spreadsheets.
  • Fast Quotes and Invoices: Generate and send professional, branded quotes in minutes. Convert accepted quotes directly into invoices with integrated payment options for a frictionless client experience. This speeds up the booking process and gets MICE Le Voyage paid faster.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Reports on sales activity and revenue provide a clear understanding of what's working and where there's room for improvement. This empowers data-driven decision-making about package offerings or marketing efforts.
  • Centralized Client Information: All client data is accessible from one place, making handovers between team members seamless and minimizing information loss.
  • Task Management: Attach tasks to deals or contacts, set reminders, and assign tasks to specific team members. This ensures accountability and prevents important follow-ups from falling through the cracks.
  • Workflow Automation: Automate repetitive tasks (e.g., welcome email series, follow-up reminders), freeing up sales reps' time for higher-value interactions.
  • WordPress Foundation: Our CRM's integration with WordPress provides a familiar user interface for the MICE Le Voyage team, increasing adoption and minimizing training time.
  • Customizable for Travel: Adapt contact fields, quote templates, and sales pipelines to the specifics of the luxury travel industry. This ensures the CRM aligns perfectly with their unique sales processes.
  • Room to Grow: Our CRM's affordable pricing and extensions allow it to scale along with the business. As they expand, they can add more users, implement advanced automation, or integrate with additional tools.

Total Cost for project

Unmaada Team

The team that’s going to create magic for you online!

  • Video Production: Engage your audience with high-quality content by our dedicated video editor, Abhinav.
  • Creative Design: Shambhu crafts compelling visuals to attract attention on social and across your digital presence.
  • Website Management: Pranav ensures your website is a dynamic, optimized asset by designing and developing themes and workflows for each web development project.
  • Custom WordPress/ Laravel Development: Kunjan works on customizing WordPress to any extent required using PHP to meet your features and functionalities in one of the most widely used and popular CMS’s of our times.
  • Laravel/ Mobile App Development: Manoj works on getting your web apps and mobile apps built for both iOS and Android within no time and operating smoothly to high traffic and intranet purposes.
  • Content Strategy: Vinay develops a targeted content plan to nurture leads and build your brand authority.
  • Funnel Marketing and Paid Ads: Amit brings proven strategies to drive conversions across search and social.

Our Portfolio

We place a great emphasis on functionality and usability, and we educate you to maintain your website as a business asset.

  1. Similar work built by us


    Built on WordPress and customized on the same platform, we finished this project last year Jan 2023 and has been made live from then and operational.

  2. Check out our list of website development work here:


  3. Check out our list of other services work here:



Client Expectations

For us to deliver the best possible website, we’ll need the following from MICE Le Voyage

  • Point of Contact: Please designate a primary point of contact for communicating about website maintenance needs, updates, and approvals.
  • Timely Approvals: Prompt approvals on proposed updates, changes, or troubleshooting measures will ensure a smooth workflow and adherence to the maintenance schedule.
  • Access and Credentials: Please provide the necessary login credentials and access to your website’s backend, hosting account, and any relevant third-party services.
  • Information Sharing: Notify us in advance of any planned marketing campaigns, events, or major updates that might impact the website.
  • Content Updates: For any content update requests outside the routine maintenance scope, please provide the content (text, images, videos) in a timely manner.

Annual Maintenance Contract

Our WordPress website development & maintenance plan includes the following services:

This plan would encompass the most crucial aspects for security, performance, user experience, and keeping travel offerings up-to-date. It includes:

  • Security Protection:
    • Regular security scans to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities.
    • WordPress, theme, and plugin updates to ensure the latest security patches.
    • Firewall implementation and, if needed, malware removal.
  • Performance Optimization:
    • Speed checks and optimization for fast load times, crucial for impatient travelers.
    • Image optimization to reduce website bloat.
    • Browser and device compatibility testing and fixes as needed.
  • Reliable Backups:
    • Daily or weekly backups (depending on how often content changes).
    • Secure off-site storage of backups.
    • Backup restoration services in the event of data loss.
  • Uptime Monitoring:
    • Real-time monitoring to alert you of any downtime.
    • Troubleshooting to quickly identify and resolve issues.
  • Content Updates:
    • Addition, editing, or removal of travel packages, destinations, and information.
    • Image uploads and optimization.
    • Updating blog posts or news items (if applicable).
  • Technical Support & Consultation:
    • Priority access to our support team for troubleshooting and questions.
    • Periodic strategic consultations to discuss improvements or optimizations.
  • SEO Essentials
    • Basic on-page SEO updates and adjustments.
    • Tracking analytics and insights for potential improvements.

This is priced at AED XXXX for a yearly contract.

Terms & Conditions

This Agreement is made between Unmaada Creatives (“Agency”) and MICE Le Voyage (“Client”) for the development of a new website.

1. Scope of Services

Agency will develop a website for Client as outlined in the approved Proposal dated 25th March, 2025. This includes everything mentioned in Section 1 above.

2. Project Timeline

  • The estimated project timeline is outlined in the Proposal. Delays caused by Client may extend the timeline and incur additional fees.
  • Agency will provide regular updates and adhere to the timeline to the best of its ability.

3. Fees and Payment

  • Client agrees to pay Agency a total fee of [Amount] for the project.
  • Payment Schedule:
    • [Deposit Amount] upon signing the Agreement.
    • [Milestone Payment Amounts and Deadlines]
    • Final payment of [Amount] upon website launch.
  • Late payments may incur a late fee of [Percentage or Fixed Amount].

4. Client Responsibilities

  • Provide all necessary content (text, images, logos, etc.) within agreed-upon timeframes.
  • Provide timely feedback and approvals during designated review stages.
  • Secure any necessary domain name, hosting account, or third-party service subscriptions (if not provided by Agency).

5. Intellectual Property

  • Agency retains ownership of any custom code, design elements, or tools developed specifically for the Project.
  • Client retains ownership of their provided content (text, images, logos).
  • Client is granted a non-exclusive license to use the website for their business purposes.

6. Revisions

  • The Proposal includes [Number] rounds of revisions. Additional revisions may incur additional fees.
  • Major changes to the Project scope outside of the approved Proposal may require a Change Order with adjusted fees and timelines.

7. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information related to the Project or either party’s business.

8. Termination

  • Either party may terminate with 30 days’ notice. Client will be responsible for payment for work completed up to the termination date.
  • Agency reserves the right to halt work if payments are overdue.

9. Warranty

  • Agency warrants the website will function as outlined in the Proposal.
  • Post-launch support period of [Duration] is included for bug fixes.
  • Agency is not liable for issues caused by Client modifications or misuse of the website.

10. Limitation of Liability

  • Agency is not liable for damages arising from downtime, security breaches, or data loss, except in cases of gross negligence.
  • Agency is not liable for loss of revenue or business opportunities due to website issues.

11. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Your Jurisdiction].

12. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through [mediation/arbitration] before resorting to legal action.

13. Acceptance

By giving your name and email, both parties agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

At Unmaada Creatives, we believe that exceptional websites are the result of close collaboration and a shared vision. We're excited to partner with MICE Le Voyage to craft a digital experience that reflects your commitment to bespoke journeys and exceptional client service. Let's bring your travel dreams online!

Please sign the below box with your name to approve the proposal.
If you have more questions, please write to us at
or WhatsApp us here in the button below.
